Adult day health programs are one of our community’s most critical tools for helping seniors and adults with medical or cognitive challenges to age-in-place; these programs are a caring, secure, and cost-effective alternative to nursing home placement that include support services and respite for family caregivers.
Massachusetts’ adult day health (ADH) programs are in jeopardy, due to MassHealth’s proposed new regulations for eligibility criteria. Seventeen thousand Massachusetts seniors and adults with medical or cognitive challenges – along with their caregivers – rely on ADH programs to maintain their physical, emotional, and financial health. It is estimated that more than a third of these vulnerable community members will lose access to ADH programs as a result of MassHealth’s proposed new regulations; this would in turn result in the closure of many local ADH programs.
Cooperative Elder Services, Inc. (CESI) – your community’s trusted local ADH provider – is leading a group of local community members to stand up against these proposed regulations at a public hearing on Friday, September 22nd. The hearing will be held at 10:00 AM at the Lazare Research Building at 55 Lake Avenue North in Worcester.
Please join the hundreds of ADH professionals, seniors and adults with medical or cognitive challenges, and caregivers from across the Commonwealth who will gather in Worcester on September 22nd to advocate for every person’s right to age with dignity in their preferred location. For further information please contact CESI Executive Director Erica Johnson at (781) 863-1166 x103 or Outreach@ElderDayServices.org. Transportation may be available.